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Asimakopoulos Fotios

Fotios Asimakopoulos - Medical Oncologist

About Fotios Asimakopoulos

WEB Fotios Fotis Asimakopoulos MB BChir PhD is a medical oncologist and hematologist who treats people with myeloproliferative disorders. He is a researcher at the University of California, San Diego and has published over 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals. His research focuses on the genetic basis of myeloproliferative disorders and the development of new therapies for these diseases.

Research Interests

Dr. Asimakopoulos's research interests include:

  • The genetic basis of myeloproliferative disorders
  • The development of new therapies for myeloproliferative disorders
  • The role of stem cells in myeloproliferative disorders

Education and Training

Dr. Asimakopoulos received his medical degree from the University of Cambridge and completed his residency in internal medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. He then completed a fellowship in hematology and medical oncology at the University of California, San Diego.

Awards and Honors

Dr. Asimakopoulos has received numerous awards and honors for his research, including:

  • The American Society of Hematology Young Investigator Award
  • The National Cancer Institute Outstanding Investigator Award
  • The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Scholar Award
